| 516-455-6433
Continuing Education for Rehabilitation Professionals
Rehabilitation of tendon repairs remains the most challenging diagnosis that hand therapists treat with an abundance of different protocols and orthoses to choose from. Many clinics default to protocols that were established in the 1970’s and 1980’s and have not been updated to what the research now dictates is a better way to treat this population. This course is designed around the most recent evidence in surgical intervention and rehabilitation of flexor and extensor tendons.
During the morning session we will cover flexor tendon anatomy and physiology, history and current evidence of flexor tendon repairs and rehabilitation. In addition, emerging evidence in flexor tendon repairs including “Proof-of-Concept” will be discussed. During a second video session, participants will have the opportunity to learn how to fabricate a Relative Motion Flexion Splint (RMFS) and discuss tips for dorsal blocking orthoses. In the afternoon session, we will cover extensor tendon anatomy and physiology, history and current evidence of extensor tendon repairs and rehabilitation. A video session for fabrication of a resting hand orthosis for extensor tendon repairs as well as a Relative Motion Extension Splint (RMES) will be viewed. Understanding the various approaches to tendon repair rehabilitation is complex and challenging. This course will present the most recent and highest levels of evidence, including clinical pearls for digital nerve involvement, PIPJ contractures, scar management, and cortical re-patterning. Following this one day course, learners will confidently rehabilitate the most challenging of tendon repairs. The educational level of this course is intermediate.
There are no financial or non-finical disclosures for this course.
Course Instructor

April O’Connell, OTR/L, CHT, ACSM is the Clinical Specialist in the Hand and Upper Extremity Therapy Department at NYU Langone Health and has been practicing for 15 years. She earned her Occupational Therapy degree at Boston University, is a Certified Hand Therapist and is certified by the American Council of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as a Clinical Exercise Specialist. She has lectured to orthopedic surgeons and therapists nationally and internationally in current concepts of orthopedic rehabilitation of the upper extremity. Some of her most recent lectures include being a guest speaker for Dr. Radio on Sirius Satellite on topics for rehabilitation of the hand and upper extremity as well as injuries to the overhead athlete. In addition, she has presented on Flexor Tendon Repair Advancement at AAOS in 2015 and was later asked to speak at ASSH national conference in 2016 and ASHT in 2017. She recently presented her latest research at ASHT National Conference on flexor tendon rehabilitation in 2019. She also lectures at Touro College in NY on various topics including tendon injuries, splinting, and research. April is a founding member of the NYU Langone Golf and Pitching Labs.
There are no financial or non-financial disclosures to report.
Course Outline
Anatomy & physiology of the extensor tendons
History and current evidence of extensor tendon repairs and rehabilitation
Review of splinting principles and evidence for utilization
Splinting "How to" videos
Anatomy & physiology of the flexor tendons
History and current evidence of flexor tendon repairs and rehabilitation
New emerging evidence for rehabilitation of flexor tendon repairs "Proof-of-concept"
Splinting "How to" videos
Continuing Education Credit
Gold Standard Seminars, LLC is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 11249. This distance learning-independent activity is offered at 0.6 CEUs intermediate, OT service delivery. AOTA does not endorse specific course content, products, or clinical procedures.
PD activity requirements: complete recording of course and 10 question post test with a score of 70% or higher
This course offers 6.0 contact hours of category A, formal courses with direct upper extremity content for OT or PT towards the Certified Hand Therapists (CHT) recertification.
This course is pre-approved by The Oklahoma State Board of Medical Licensure & Supervision for Physical Therapists for 6.0 total hours (approval #201913998)
This course meets the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Standards of Quality for Continuing Education Offerings (BOD G11-03-22-69). Please save your course certificate and outline to submit for CE credit to your state and/or local licensing board.
For other professions, this course counts as 6.0 contact hours of professional development. Please save your certificate and course outline to submit to your national, state or local agency for continuing education credit.

Course Testimonials
"The instructor is an engaging speaker and very passionate about hand therapy and evidence based practice."
New York, NY
"Really great course for all hand therapists. I wish I took it while I was studying for the CHT."
Middletown, CT
"This was such a great course for hand therapists. Please add more hand therapy courses!"
New York, NY
Course Schedule
7:45am Registration
8:00am Course starts
10:00am Break 1
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Return from lunch
2:30pm Break 2
3:30pm Course ends
Course Locations
Available On-Demand. Learn at your own pace!
Contact us at if you would like to host this course at your facility
Learning Outcomes
Perform a patient-centered evaluation
Describe anatomical and biomechanical principles that form the framework of post-operative extensor and flexor tendon evaluation and treatment.
Explain how biomechanical dysfunction of the hand can create occupational impairment.
Identify indications and contraindications for functional use, therapeutic interventions and protocols for post-operative flexor or extensor tendon repair
Explain evidenced-based special tests and identify current research and upcoming trends in tendon repair rehabilitation
Ascertain appropriate orthotic device with a basic understanding of how to fabricate them for flexor and extensor tendon repairs.
Recommended Course Participants
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapists
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Physical Therapy Assistants
Physicians Assistants
Nurse Practitioners
ADA and Special Requests
Please contact Gold Standard Seminars prior to purchase to discuss any particular needs and/or requests.